Imported from the world’s finest Canadian prairies

Our honey is carefully selected and sustainably sourced from the best Canadian apiaries. Our white honey is pure, raw and unfiltered, which means it goes straight from the hive to the jar with ZERO processing. You will love the sweet subtle and smooth taste of the world’s finest honey.

white honey

We Love Our Little Workers

It takes 556 worker bees to make 1 pound of honey. Thats right, that many bees for that much honey. So it takes approximately 1,120 bees to make our orignal white honey. That’s why we make sure our bees are carefully tended for and truly loved!




Elderberry is a dark purple fruit produced by the elder tree. It has been used as medicine for thousands of years. It has been said that hippocrates, also known as the “father of medicine” referred to the plant as his “medicine chest”. Back then it was believed to lengthen one’s life. We can’t promise this wonderful herb will add more years to your life, but we can say that because of it’s known antioxidant properties it does strengthen your immune system and promotes overall vitality. We hope you enjoy our pure & natural elderberries.


Our Beeloved

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What is White Honey?

You may be use to normal honey which is more of an amber color, the texture is like thick syrup and of course, like most honey it’s super sweet. White honey is usually a rare type of honey that starts off in liquid form but naturally crystalizes to a smooth, creamy & spreadable off-white texture. Our white honey has a delicate subtle sweetness. It is packed with benefits. It is rich in antioxidants that help to fight off free radicals and promote immune health. It is also great for sore throats and colds when mixed with tea. Our white honey is 100% unprocessed, kosher, pure and raw. You will love the subtly sweet, warming and nostalgic taste of our white honey.

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white honey

Brooklyn NY, 11212

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